Selfishly I feel I have to write about a gift that hopefully will continue to give and give and give. About two birthday's ago (or maybe it was a Christmas gift, I can't remember now) my parents gave me the money to go and get myself a good bike for exercising and leisure riding. It is a great bike and worth every penny and I love it. The only issue I had with it was the time consumption. I work full time and go to school part time and sometimes the last thing I want to do when I get home is leave Hillary and the kids and go for a ride. But thanks to my in-laws I have solved the problem. My mother and father-in-law gave me a gift certificate to a local sporting goods store. After 30 or forty-five minutes of browsing and looking at things that would solely benefit me I walked past the solution to my year long dilemma. 

I got a pull behind cart for my bike. Now when I get home and want to go for a stroll on the bike, I won't feel bad about it. I will have the kids with me, and be able to excercise, and the greatest thing of all... Hillary will get some time to herself!! (She is pretty pumped about that) Right after I got it all hooked up, I strapped the kids in and off we went. (To all you safety buffs, yes I got the kids helmets to wear, they just don't appear in the photos.)
Anyway, I love it, the kids love it, and Hillary loves not having us... hehe.
1 comment:
Awesome! What a good daddy!
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