Thursday, May 28, 2009

all moved in

Well, we finally made it into our new apartment. We closed on our house last Friday and moved over the holiday weekend. My sister, Heather, and her family were EXTREMELY helpful and kept Evelyn and Levi from Friday to Monday so that Adam and I were able to move and get everything put in its place. It took us 1 month to sell our house, which is definately a blessing from the Lord. We really like it here so far. I do miss my ginormaus bathroom, but I'll get used to this one. I'd say that it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make... but this apartment is very nice and not much of a sacrifice!

We are off to the river later today. We are meeting my parents and my sister's family there for a long weekend of skiing, swimming, and grilling out!

1 comment:

a pretty awesome neighbor said...

I hear you've got some pretty awesome neighbors.