Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the gospel for a toddler

On our way to church on Sunday Evelyn asked a question that led into a million other "why?" questions. I can't remember the initial question but it all led into the gospel. Why do we go to church? Why do we want to glorify God? Why do we love God? Why does God love us? Why did Jesus come? Why did he die on a cross? Why why why why, and so on. I'm pretty sure that she would have acted just as interested and asked as many questions if I was explaining the process of making chicken and dumplings. But, hey you know. It was still a car ride of talking about the gospel. Wouldn't it be great if all adults were that 'sincerely' interested in the gospel and prompted us with hundreds of whys? These hundreds of little "why" questions from her are a great way to make myself think about the gospel, the simplicity of it, the beauty of it, the power of it...and how to explain it. So, if you are a Christian I encourage you to find a toddler to share the gospel with!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Saturday I took Evelyn and Levi over to my mom and dad's. When we pulled into the driveway we saw ducks in the pond. "DUCKS!!!" Evelyn yelled and then Levi started yelling because Evelyn was. We went inside got some crackers and walked down to feed them but they had made their way over to their neighbor's pond. We started walking that way carefully walking next to a couple of ponds that Levi was way to interested in. We almost got close enough to throw them crackers when Evelyn again screamed "DUCKS!!!" They of course quacked and flew away. So... we went on a "hike" to find them hoping they would make their way back to my parents pond. We walked through the woods up to the street and I told Evelyn we were going to go on hike. A minute later she asked where the kite was? I said "what?....no, we are going on a hike, h h hike." She asked what that was and I told her just walking through the woods or on a trail. "oh...where's the kite?" "No, Evelyn we are going on a H-ike, not a kite" What's that? .....again I explain. Again, Where's the kite? By this time we had walked to the end of the cove and back to my parents pond and I had many times explained hiking and that we didn't have a kite. The ducks were back but we had eaten all the crackers on our h-hike. So they enjoyed throwing rocks in the water and I think I may need to purchase a kite sometime soon!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a great Easter weekend. On Saturday we drove down to Mississippi to spend the night with my sister Heather. The kids had a great time playing outside and chasing the chickens. We went to church with them on Sunday morning, it was a great service. How great and mighty is our God!!! My parents came down after their church service and we all had lunch together. A couple of other families in Heather's church came too. We had a great afternoon.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beautiful weekend

It was such beautiful weekend that we spent most of it outside. We got a new camera last week and so I actuall took a lot of pictures trying to figure out some of the bells and whistles.
Levi at the playground

Evelyn on her "ride"



Evelyn and her daddy


just kidding, Daddy's right there

Levi making little boy noises

most of the time they play very nicely w/ each other

We ate dinner outside
all done!

So sad the weekend is ending

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Evelyn and Levi

Evelyn, not so nicely trying to get Levi to stand still for the picture

Here are some pictures of Evelyn and Levi with his new haircut