Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No Christmas pictures this year!!

Anyone out there who has ever tried to take pictures of a two year old and a one year old at 6:30 at night just before bedtime will understand why... there are no Christmas pictures this year. Hillary and I tried all the tricks in the book; bribes, kisses, threts, raisins, you name it we tried it and nothing seemed to work. As soon as one child was ready the other had a breakdown and vise versa.
Levi was more interested and seeing the pictures we had already taken on the digital camera and Evelyn was more interested in jumping. (Don't ask, but the girl loves to jump... with an astonishing vertical of one inch!)
Anyway, after about 45 pictures taken and 30 minutes or more gone by, here are some of the better pictures we took.

1 comment:

Heather said...

LOL! I remember... we still have those moments sometimes! There are some pictures we have that I look at and still feel exhausted, remembering what all it took to get them to look and smile!